
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Go Away May Day

I will be switching channels the split second any crap May Day story starts up. Seeing those invaders brazenly marching on our streets that were paid for by our taxes, carrying their stupid signs, waving their filthy flag in our faces, waving the US flag, which they don't even deserve to touch, and demanding, DEMANDING! rights to which they have zero rights to have, well, it just makes me want to go Cho on the whole brown lot of them. It is a perfectly natural response to an invader. I will not apologize.

Can anyone remember when citizens marched in these numbers across the country? This is a big part of the problem. It would appear by these massive demonstrations that the illegals want this country more than we do. If we, the people, held a counter march, like the very next day, to protest illegal immigration, it would send a crystal clear message to the dirty scoundrel politicians and the Mexicans themselves that WE ARE NOT GOING TO TOLERATE ILLEGALS IN OUR COUNTRY!

Never gonna happen. It's a rotten, crying shame. We are going to tolerate ourselves right out of everything we built here.

It just occurred to me that it's raining. Yes! Let it rain, rain, rain on your frickin illegals' parade!

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