This is my very first movie - as actress, director and writer! The title is "Me and My Big Mouth" LOL. You guys should try it. It's fun, easy and free.
Archived Comments
WaterBoy ~
That was vair-EE fun-ee Tay-LORE. It is good that YOU can poke fun AT yore-self.
Jan 19, 2010 17:10
Taylor ~
Oi, I'm always laughing at myself.
When I learned about that site today, I had to dramatize my epic fail. It really was fun to make.
Jan 19, 2010 17:19
bob k. mando ~
so ... do you already have movies made for either possible outcome of the Viqueens game?
for myself, i'm rooting for Brett to get a concussion.
Jan 19, 2010 17:24
bob k. mando ~
i'm disappointed that your avatar isn't wearing a gun.
Jan 19, 2010 17:25
Taylor ~
There aren't many characters to choose from. Going by the different characters, the designers of that app are very probably liberals. So, no way there'd be any guns.
Yeah, well, we'll see if I have to make another movie. If this Taylor character doesn't shut her big mouth, there will be sequels.
Jan 19, 2010 17:33
EN ~
You not only admitted you were wrong, but made a movie about it. THAT'S CLASS!
Jan 19, 2010 22:55
Taylor ~
As I just commented at Vox's, it's hardly a grand gesture to admit something that is so obvious. There is no wiggle room for me in this one. Heh.
But, if you notice, I still have an attitude. :) Oh yeah.
Jan 19, 2010 23:18
Giraffe ~
Nice. I definitely should get best supporting actor.
Jan 19, 2010 23:24
Taylor ~
Yeah, you're definitely a better actor there. I display the acting ability of Jessica Simpson on painkillers.
Jan 19, 2010 23:36
Difster ~
That movie was Taylor Made to admit guilt. Sorry for the bad pun and I'm probably not the first person to use your name that way but it's still funny to me and that's all that matters.
It's just too bad there wasn't a crow available in the movie to eat.
Jan 20, 2010 03:40
Taylor ~
I see subtlety wouldn't be your style of directing. Difster Tarantino...
Eat a crow. Ick.
Jan 20, 2010 04:45
AJW308 ~
I'd guess that crow tastes like chicken.
That was funny in an odd kind of way. I know there are web based text-to-speech synthesizers out there with different sexes and nationalities. That early 90's style was hard to listen to, but the dialog was mesmerizing.
Major kudos for standing by your words (though I'd expect nothing less from you) and more kudos for not backing down from your anti-Viqueens position (though now I wonder how you'll top this, if (and when) the Purple Farves (I don't like the Vikings either) win), but with that second batch of kudos I wonder if you can realize when some positions can't be defended and need to be abandoned.
Also, why, with no background in American Football, why do you have such a strong opinion?
Jan 20, 2010 16:44
Taylor ~
No background in American Football? I was raised in Dallas, Texas, USA since the age of 9. You don't think a little football, especially the Dallas Cowboys variety, would have rubbed off on this Argentine?
Unlike most of today's immigrants, my family abandoned most everything from that rotten country we had left behind, and embraced everything from our new homeland.
We'll see how the Saint progress. If they go all the way, I won't have to worry about acquiring a taste for crow...
Jan 20, 2010 17:10
AJW308 ~
I though you had said that you don't know much about the game: "and I don't know diddly squat about football" and yes, I'd have thought Texas would have deported you if you hadn't supported the Cowboys.
I'm now concerned about your sanity ;P
Jan 20, 2010 19:57
Taylor ~
Oh, I know enough about football to yap it up and make a fool of myself, but not enough for intelligent analysis of the game.
You are just NOW concerned about my sanity? Hmmm. Cold neurons don't fire too well, I suppose... :)
Jan 20, 2010 20:16
Difster ~
I see subtlety wouldn't be your style of directing. Difster Tarantino...
No, I suppose not. Subtlety has never been one of my personality traits.
Jan 20, 2010 20:19