
Monday, May 26, 2008

Good Luck With That

Scientists are eager to find a sign of extraterrestrial life - any sign. Billions of dollars and millions of man hours have been spent in this endeavor over the years. The latest attempt is the Phoenix probe that just landed on Mars. Yipee! I applaud the engineering feat, but the goal leaves me less than enthusiastic. In fact, I think it's a bloody waste of time and money. I'd wager that we'll never find a sign of life outside our own biosphere.

While the Bible doesn't specifically address alien life forms, Genesis does make it clear that God created Man and life on Earth. It does make it clear that Man is a special creation and that all the flora and fauna were created for us - to support and brighten our physical existence.

As I am not a devotee of the religion of evolution, it isn't logical that even the tiniest little sign of life would appear anywhere else. It would be meaningless. God doesn't do anything illogical or without meaning.

I think the thought process is that since the universe is so vast, there absolutely must exist, at the very least, the "beginning" of life somewhere out there or signs that life once did exist or that conditions (water) exist that could eventually give rise to the first building blocks of life. If a random process could create life on Earth, surely the odds are that a similar randomness can occur elsewhere.

And wouldn't such a discovery make atheists jump for joy. But, don't hold your breath waiting on that. On second thought, please do.

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