
Friday, June 22, 2007

There Are More Things In Heaven and Earth

UFO - a cigar-shaped brilliant white light
Reading the linked article from Drudge about a UFO sighting, 'Mile-wide UFO' spotted by British airline pilot, I got to thinking about unexplainable phenomena and how intriguing they are to most of us. We are fascinated by the unknown. We love mysteries.

As for UFOs, I don't know. I do know that some people are nuts or just plain liars. I do know that optical illusions can be very misleading. I do know that governments are always up to something. I do know that Satan is capable of anything. I don't know that aliens from far, far away are cruising about the firmament.

There is one incident that occurred to me that I can say is an honest to goodness mystery. Unexplainable. Just plain weird.

I was at my mother's. My cousin, her boyfriend, my aunt and myself were sitting around the kitchen table, chatting. It was a summer's night. Clear and calm. I'm facing a large window about 20 feet away. The window is not covered, so it's reflecting everything inside like a mirror as it's pitch black outside. Behind me is the kitchen area.

Our conversation is interrupted when suddenly we hear a loud explosion coming directly from behind me in the kitchen area. Facing the window, I not only heard the noise but caught the reflection in that window of a huge flash of bright white light behind me, coinciding with the explosion. There are no appliances in that area.

Immediately after the flash and explosion we hear a long drawn out sound as if the metal garage door is being raised. The garage sits off of the kitchen so it would be heard through the door that leads to the garage. The garage door was not motorized.

Damn! We were all stunned. I jumped up and ran to check the garage, fully expecting the door to be completely raised. Nothing. Everything was normal and undisturbed in there. I checked the fuse box in the kitchen closet. Nothing. I sniffed for a hint of burning and looked around for wisps of smoke. Nothing. There was not a single piece of evidence that anything had just occurred nor a clue to what could have possibly caused all this.

Had I been alone, these events would have me either questioning the state of my sanity or realizing that no one was going to completely believe me. And why should they? It made no sense at all. Fortunately, all four of us saw and heard the exact same thing and there was no drinking involved. We returned to our conversation, wondering what the heck it was that we had all just witnessed.

Ball lightning? An extra-dimensional collision? Matter meets anti-matter? An angel sneezing? Who knows. All I know is that it happened - exactly as described.

Have you guys ever experienced any unexplainable weirdness? Completely sober and with other witnesses, I mean.

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